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The Tail of a Dog

The Tail of a Dog - Summer Devon In Grade 11 Creative Writing, every morning Mr. Andrew would put three or four words on the board which you could use as inspiration if you needed a starting point. One morning, whatever the words were, I wrote a heartbreaking sob-fest from the point of view of a dog who had been abandoned at the side of the road. My story had a tentative, possibly hopeful ending, where a car slows down to pick her up and her tail, almost poetically, begins slowly to wag... Ahem. This is not that story. This is better. It is told from the dog's point of view, though, so I feel a little proprietary towards it. In *this* story, an abandoned, pregnant dog rescues and is rescued by our MCs, and the three of them eventually form her "pack". It is very sweet, and I am an animal lover, and I could not judge it with any objectivity, I liked it a lot.